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If you're considering bariatric surgery, a psychological evaluation is an important step in the process. Chicago Behavioral Clinic offers comprehensive and personalized evaluations to help determine if surgery is the right option for you. We understand the unique challenges faced by those seeking bariatric surgery and are here to support you every step of the way.

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What is a Psychological Evaluation needed for Bariatric surgery?

A psychological evaluation for bariatric surgery is a comprehensive assessment of a patient's psychological and emotional functioning that is conducted before the surgery. Bariatric surgery is a weight-loss surgery that can help patients with severe obesity lose weight and improve their overall health. The psychological evaluation is typically performed to identify any psychological factors that may impact the patient's ability to benefit from the surgery and to ensure that the patient is mentally prepared for the surgery and the lifestyle changes that come with it.

The evaluation is conducted by a licensed mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, and may include:

  • A clinical interview to assess the patient's mental health history, symptoms, and current functioning

  • Psychological tests and assessments to evaluate cognitive and emotional functioning, personality traits, and coping strategies

  • A review of medical records and other relevant information, such as previous treatments and medication use

The results of the evaluation are used to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to the patient's individual needs and to ensure that the patient has the psychological resources and support needed to maximize the benefits of bariatric surgery. Additionally, the evaluation can help identify any psychological concerns that may need to be addressed before or after the surgery to ensure a successful outcome. This can include issues such as emotional eating, body image concerns, and depression or anxiety.

Contact us to Schedule your Psychological Evaluation for Bariatric Surgery ASAP

What is Bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a type of surgical procedure that is performed to help individuals who are severely overweight or obese lose weight. The surgery works by reducing the size of the stomach, which helps individuals feel full more quickly and consume fewer calories. There are several types of bariatric surgery, including:

  1. Gastric bypass: This surgery involves creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach and rerouting the small intestine to this pouch. This reduces the amount of food that can be consumed and the number of calories absorbed by the body.

  2. Sleeve gastrectomy: This surgery involves removing a portion of the stomach and creating a new, smaller stomach. This helps individuals feel full more quickly and consume fewer calories.

  3. Adjustable gastric banding: This surgery involves placing an adjustable band around the top of the stomach, which creates a small pouch. The band can be adjusted to control the amount of food that can be consumed.

Bariatric surgery is typically recommended for individuals who have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 or higher with obesity-related health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure. It is important to note that bariatric surgery is not a quick fix for weight loss, and individuals who undergo the procedure will still need to make lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity to maintain their weight loss.

Who is qualified to perform Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is performed by a specialized surgeon who has been trained in weight loss surgery. These surgeons may be general surgeons who have received additional training in bariatric surgery or they may be specialized bariatric surgeons who focus exclusively on this type of surgery.

Bariatric surgery is a complex procedure that involves several different types of surgical techniques, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and adjustable gastric banding. Each of these procedures has its own specific risks and benefits, and the appropriate procedure will depend on the individual patient's medical history, weight loss goals, and other factors.

In addition to the surgical procedure itself, bariatric surgery also involves pre-operative and post-operative care. Prior to the surgery, patients may need to undergo a thorough medical evaluation to determine if they are a good candidate for the procedure. After the surgery, patients will need to follow a strict diet and exercise regimen to achieve and maintain weight loss.

Given the complexity and specialized nature of bariatric surgery, it is important for patients to seek out a qualified and experienced surgeon who can provide comprehensive care throughout the entire process. Patients should do their research, ask questions, and work closely with their healthcare provider to determine if bariatric surgery is an appropriate option for their specific weight loss goals and medical history.

How often people pass their Bariatric psychological evaluation?

Depending on a number of factors, such as the individual's specific medical history, mental health status, and other factors.

That being said, it is not uncommon for individuals to pass their bariatric psychological evaluation, especially if they have a good understanding of the purpose of the evaluation and what to expect during the process. The evaluation is typically designed to assess the individual's mental health status, including any history of depression, anxiety, or other psychological disorders that could impact their ability to successfully undergo bariatric surgery and maintain healthy lifestyle changes post-surgery.


Individuals who are considering bariatric surgery and are preparing for a psychological evaluation can take steps to increase their chances of passing the evaluation. This may include being honest and open with the evaluator about their mental health history and any concerns they may have, demonstrating a commitment to making healthy lifestyle changes, and following any specific recommendations or guidelines provided by the healthcare provider. Ultimately, the goal of the psychological evaluation is to ensure that the individual is mentally and emotionally prepared for the challenges associated with bariatric surgery, and to help them achieve long-term success in achieving and maintaining weight loss.

How long does it take to perform a Psychological evaluation for Bariatric surgery?

Generally, a psychological evaluation for bariatric surgery can take anywhere from 1-3 hours. The evaluation typically involves an interview with the individual to gather information about their medical and mental health history, as well as the administration of various psychological tests and assessments. The results of the evaluation are then used to determine the individual's candidacy for bariatric surgery and to develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Contact us to Schedule your Psychological Evaluation for Bariatric Surgery ASAP

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